Gungahlin Weather Records
1998 to 2021
Hottest temp: 43.7°C (4 Jan 2020)
Coldest temp: -7.1°C (2 July 2017)
Coldest day: 2.6°C (12 Jun 2009)
Warmest night: 30.0°C (1 Feb 2020)
Strongest wind: 78.9lm/h (24 Aug 2003)
Wettest month: 176.3mm (Feb 2002)
Driest month: 0.0mm (May 2005)
Wettest year: 820.4mm (2016)
Driest year: 308.6mm (2019)
Longest dry spell: 56 days (16 Apr - 10 Jun 05)
World Weather Records
Gungahlin Weather Records
1998 to 2021
Hottest temp: 43.7°C (4 Jan 2020)
Coldest temp: -7.1°C (2 July 2017)
Coldest day: 2.6°C (12 Jun 2009)
Warmest night: 30.0°C (1 Feb 2020)
Strongest wind: 78.9lm/h (24 Aug 2003)
Wettest month: 176.3mm (Feb 2002)
Driest month: 0.0mm (May 2005)
Wettest year: 820.4mm (2016)
Driest year: 308.6mm (2019)
Longest dry spell: 56 days (16 Apr - 10 Jun 05)
World Weather Records

Gungahlin Weather Photos
Gungahlin and the surrounding region is not only a great place to live, it's a great place for taking weather photos!
We'll add photos to the galleries as we take them, so please visit often.
If you have a weather related photo you would like us to add to the gallery, please email your weather photo (along with a few words explaining the photo - year taken, where etc.) and we'll do the rest.
The weather photo doesn't have to be from Gungahlin.
Gungahlin Weather Centre Photo Gallery
This album showcases some of the great sunrises, sunsets and interesting weather scenes from around Gungahlin taken over the years by the Gungahlin Weather Centre.
The gallery will grow as we take more photos, so make sure you visit often.
Website Visitors Photo Gallery
Taken a great weather photo in Gungahlin or beyond? Want to show it off to the world?
We are always on the lookout for great photos and regularly add new ones to our 'Website Visitors Photo' Gallery.
Simply send your favourite photo to us via email and you might just see it in this gallery.