Gungahlin Weather Records
1998 to 2021
Hottest temp: 43.7°C (4 Jan 2020)
Coldest temp: -7.1°C (2 July 2017)
Coldest day: 2.6°C (12 Jun 2009)
Warmest night: 30.0°C (1 Feb 2020)
Strongest wind: 78.9lm/h (24 Aug 2003)
Wettest month: 176.3mm (Feb 2002)
Driest month: 0.0mm (May 2005)
Wettest year: 820.4mm (2016)
Driest year: 308.6mm (2019)
Longest dry spell: 56 days (16 Apr - 10 Jun 05)
World Weather Records
Gungahlin Weather Records
1998 to 2021
Hottest temp: 43.7°C (4 Jan 2020)
Coldest temp: -7.1°C (2 July 2017)
Coldest day: 2.6°C (12 Jun 2009)
Warmest night: 30.0°C (1 Feb 2020)
Strongest wind: 78.9lm/h (24 Aug 2003)
Wettest month: 176.3mm (Feb 2002)
Driest month: 0.0mm (May 2005)
Wettest year: 820.4mm (2016)
Driest year: 308.6mm (2019)
Longest dry spell: 56 days (16 Apr - 10 Jun 05)
World Weather Records

Lean About Meteorology
Meteorology is the science of the atmosphere. It takes its name from the Greek word "meteoron" - meaning 'something that happens high in the sky'. The ancient Greeks observed clouds, winds, and rain and tried to understand how they are connected to one another. The weather was important in their relatively simple society because it affected the farmers who raised their food and their seamen who sailed the oceans.
Today, the ancient science of meteorology has matured. It is at the cutting edge of research, seeking answers to basic questions about the world around us and working to develop applications that are critically important to our lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren.
On our 'Learn about Meteorology' page you'll find links to a wealth of weather related material that will help you learn more about this fascinating science. Most links go to web pages on the fantastic Australian Bureau of Meteorology web site. As we find more weather learning material we'll add them here.
To learn more about this fascinating Science, click 'Learn about Meteorology' - please note: this will take you to one of our old website pages. To return to this website, just click your browsers 'back' button or on the Gungahlin Weather Centre logo at the top of the page.